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Bad Touch

 Bad Touch Bad touch" refers to any physical contact that makes someone feel uncomfortable, scared, or violated. It can include actions like unwanted touching, groping, or inappropriate advances. It's important to remember that nobody should touch you in a way that makes you feel uncomfortable or unsafe. If you ever experience or witness bad touch, it's crucial to speak up and seek help from a trusted adult or authority figure. Your safety and well-being are important. Signs that may indicate someone's intention to engage in bad touch or inappropriate behavior include: 1. Non-consensual touch: If someone touches you without your permission or continues to touch you after you've expressed discomfort or asked them to stop, it could be a sign of bad touch. 2. Unwanted advances: If someone is making inappropriate comments, gestures, or trying to engage in sexual activity without your consent, it's a clear sign of bad touch intention. 3. Ignoring boundaries: If some...
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Of Studies- Francis Bacon

 Of Studies  Studies serves for Delight ( pleasure), for Ornament ( Showoff), and for Ability (practical ability). Their Chief use for Delight, is in privateness and retiring. For Ornament, is in discourse and ability, is in judgement, and Disposition of Business. Studies means Experience in practical way Some Books 📚 are to be Tasted, Others to be Swallowed and Some few to be Chewed and Digested, that is, some books 📖 are to be R only in parts, others to be read, but not curious 🧐 and Some few to be read wholly and with diligence and attention. Some Books 📚 also may be read by deputy, and extracts made of them by others, but that would be only in the less important arguments and the meaner sort of books 📖📚 else Distilled books are like common distilled water, flashy things.

Attractive Voice

 Attractive Voice  Try Simple food - simple food आवाज के लिए काफी अच्छा होता है। Not Speak 🗣️ loudly - तेज बोलने से आवाज पर असर पड़ता हैं इस लिए आराम से और धीमी आवाज में बात करना चाहिए। Do not eat or drink cold things - ठंडी चीजे जैसे ice cream 🍨🍦 और cold drink 🍷 का ज्यादा सेवन नहीं करना चाहिए ये आवाज पर बुरा प्रभाव डालता है। Avoid breathing with mouth 👄- मुंह से हवा नहीं लेना चाहिए इस का बुरा प्रभाव पड़ता हैं। Drink water 🍶- consistently पानी के सेवन से आप अपनी आवाज में काफी अच्छा सुधार ला सकते है। Avoid Onion 🧅 and Garlic 🧄 - Attractive voice के लिए mouth का fresh होना भी जरूरी रहता है इस लिए जितना हो सके बाहर जाने के कुछ घंटे पहले onion 🧅 और garlic 🧄 ना ही खाए। Read Everyday - reading help करती है voice को stable रखने में और consistent practice से भी voice attractive हो सकता है। Avoid Arguments 🤬- argument करने से आप के वाइस को pitch पर असर पड़ता है टीप जितना हो सके उतना किसी से argument करने से बचे। Sleep 😴 well - Sleep is compulsory for attractive voice. Postu...

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Worst New Year Beginning

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Friends in 2024

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Love Yourself

 Love Yourself  Beauty 😍 Begins the Moment you decide to be yourself. Beauty is not in the face beauty is a light 🕯️ in the heart 💜. The most beautiful ❤️ thing you can wear is confidence. Everything has beauty 😍 but not everyone see it. Beauty 😍 is not flawless it shines even through your flaws. Beauty is power and a smile 😊 is it's sword ⚔️. Love 💕 yourself first and everything else falls 🍂 in to lines. Your illness 😷 doesn't define you but your strength and courage does.