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Communication Skill in 2023

 Communication Skill 

  • Communication Skill

Communication Skill as same as art that can be developed day by day practicing.
Communication is a process by which information, opinions and thoughts is exchange between Individuals. 

Communication Skill is one of the most important tools that help us to connect with people.


Types of Communication Skill

1. Verbal Communication
Verbal communication is oral communication with words that you speak out loud.

2. Non Verbal Communication
Non Verbal Communication is the ways in which being convey information about their posture, face expression, body language, eye contact, emotions and attitudes without the use of Verbal Communication.

3. Written Communication
Written Communication is any written message that two or more people exchange.

Written Communication is a awesome but less efficient than oral communication.

Example -
Text Message
Letters and more


4. Listening Communication
Listening Communication is the ability to accurately receive any message in the Communication.

Listening is the most effective communication in every communication use need good listener also.
Example -
Viewers and more

5. Visual Communication
Visual Communication is the practice of using visual sense to get a message across or inspire change.
Example -
Infographic and 
Many more

. Build trust
. Build confidence
. Improve productivity
. Stronger decision making

. Misunderstanding
. Time consuming
. Lack of responsibility
. Negative acknowledge
. Consume body energy



Importance of Communication Skill in point wise
. Help to develop plans for achieving goals
. Develop Leadership quality
. Guide Others
. Strong Decision making skill
. Express our thoughts


. Stay Positive
. Focus on pronunciation
. Reduce your speaking speed
. Eye contact
. Awesome body language
. Clear voice
. Have cool and
. Calm attitude

As your friend, I just suggest you to practice every day infront of mirror it's help you to improve your communication skill without hesitation.


If you want any other topics so comment me and I try to give you my best results.




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